Monday, October 9, 2023

Zoe Disigny - The Art of Travelling Strangers

Zoe Disigny - The Art of Travelling Strangers


Genre:  Fiction, Travelling, Historical Fiction

Pages: 288

Format: Netgalley/ Ebook

Publisher:  Subplot Publishing 

Date Published: 22nd February 2022


Book Blurb: 

It’s the 1980s, and art historian Claire Markham reels from a series of heartbreaking losses. Desperate to escape her shattered reality, she becomes an art guide in Europe for quirky stranger Viv Chancey and embarks on a life-changing journey through the art-filled cities of Milan, Venice, Ravenna, Florence, Siena, Rome, and Paris.

Once abroad, Claire tries to hide her woes by focusing on Viv’s art education, but Viv—who is not who she seems—has a different learning experience in mind. Frustrated and wanting to reimagine her life, Claire embraces the idea of reality as illusion and finds herself slipping into the tales of art and history.

When threatened with one more crushing loss, Claire must learn from the spirit of her eccentric companion and the lessons from the art they encounter to take charge of her life or lose the most precious thing in it. 

My Review: 

I loved the blurb of this book, as it included many things that I love, travelling, Italy, culture, fashion and art…Yet, this book was a real disappointment. The only good thing about this book was that it was a quick read and took me only a few days to consume.

The story follows Claire who is in the middle of divorce and is also lost, since her summer job to be an art guide is cancelled. However, when a rich lady Viv approaches Claire and asks her to be Viv’s art guide across Italy. Once abroad Claire tries to concentrate only on educating Viv, however, all the art makes Claire slowly reimagine and look differently at her life, whilst also getting to know Viv and realising that both aren’t so different after all.

Firstly, I didn’t like Claire. She was so insufferable and naïve throughout this book. Also, she didn’t grow much throughout the book, but suddenly in the last 20 pages went through an epiphany on how to solve all her life problems. It just wasn’t really believable. Secondly, we learn everything about Claire during the first five chapters of this book in a very boring and dry manner, which is then followed by her exploring art and comparing it with her own life…Thirdly, the ending is so rushed and anticlimactic, making me question the purpose of this book.

I just couldn’t connect with any of the characters, as they were so two-dimensional with no growth until the last 20 pages. I at least had high hopes for the art and fashion descriptions as Claire and Viv are travelling through Italy. Yet, I was wrong there too. All of the descriptions were so dry and lecture-like that I wanted just to skip it all.

Overall: A book that was supposed to be about travelling, art, fashion, Italy, as well as relationships and their complexities. However, it didn’t do any complex dive into relationships or main characters. It just compared those with art on a very surface level. It was also so hard to understand the purpose of this book as it seemed like it wanted to be all but just fell flat. One of the most disappointing books I have read in a while, although I had so much hope.

This review was first published on Netgalley:


About the Author:

Zoe Disigny holds a master’s degree in art history and taught college courses for thirty years. She also worked as an art gallery director, a lecturer for The Norton Simon Museum of Art, and a lecturer for Road Scholar—an educational travel organization for adults. Zoe has led numerous art tours in Europe and established a business in Paris offering art history adventures for American tourists. Ms. Disigny has published articles in Art in FictionThe Potato Soup Literary Journal, and The California Writers Club Literary ReviewHer debut novel, The Art of Traveling Strangers , was released February 22nd, 2022, and was the #1 New Release in European Art History on Amazon! In 2023, The Art of Traveling Strangers was honored as a finalist in the New Generation Indie Book Awards.

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