About Me

Hi Everyone! 

My name is Gabby and welcome to my Book Blog.

From a young age, I loved books and reading. I also always kept a reading journal in which I wrote all the thoughts and opinions on all the books that I have read over the years. However, through my degrees and time at university, I fell out of love with reading as most of my reading was related to my degree. The Covid-19 pandemic and all of the lockdowns allowed me to get into reading and back to loving books again...Also, lockdowns made me realise that I want to brave myself and share my reading and favourite books with wider audiences. Thus, I have created this blog so that I can share my thoughts and opinions about the books I have read with other fellow bookworms...Those who want to get into reading and those who just want to find a great next read. 

I mainly read books in English and Lithuanian, so in this blog, I will review books that I read in both of these languages. I will also share some book challenges, bookish news and other interesting posts about books. I also want to connect with fellow book lovers, share my opinions and recommendations, discover new books to read and discuss books with others. I do truly hope that in this blog there will be something for everyone. 

My go-to genres are:


  • Biographies /Autobiographies/Memoirs 
  • Travel
  • History 
  • Environment / Humanities / Politics
  • Academic Literature 
  • Science & Technology 


  • Classics 
  • Romance 
  • Historical Fiction 
  • Thriller
  • Comtemporary Fiction 
  • YA 



Although, I am always open to exploring other genres too!

Book Review Policy 

I am happy to review hard copy (paperbacks/hardbacks) ARCs/Proof copies on this blog and I would love to join in with book tours & readalongs. I am sadly not reviewing eARCs other than those from NetGalley at the moment. 

Please note that all my reviews are my honest opinion about the book. I always give honest and balanced reviews with both, positives/negatives and I will always highlight what I liked/disliked about the book, and give the book a rating (my book rating system can also be found below). 

I post all reviews on this blog and share them on my BookTwitter and Bookstagram (and Goodreads if requested). 

All enquiries, questions and review requests, please sent them to bookish.gabby@gmail.com

Once I receive a request I will let the sender know if I am accepting or declining the review request and discuss how long it will take to read and publish the review. My current estimate on how long I will take to read and review books on my blog is about 6 weeks (Again, this can be discussed on case to case basis). 

Feel free to connect with me on my Twitter - @Bookish_Gabby and Instagram - @bookish_gabby

Looking forward to sharing my book reviews and book ramblings with everyone! 

Gabby (Bookish_Gabby)

Book Rating System on My Blog:

I don't DNF (Did Not Finish) Books. 

★☆☆☆☆ - 

OK Book

  • Wasn't the book for me
  • Would not re-read it.
  • Would not recommend it. 

★★☆☆☆ - 

Average book 

  • Wasn't the book I enjoyed. 
  • Would not re-read it.

★★★☆☆ - 

Great Book 

  • Had some issues with it 
  • Some of the plot or characters weren't fully developed. 
  • Not something I would re-read
  • Would recommend it to someone depending on the issues and topics in the book. 


Brilliant Book 

  • Would re-read it and have it on my bookshelf. 
  • Would definitely recommend it. 
  • Not many issues with the book. 


Excellent Book + Loved it + Favourite Read 

  • Stood out from any other book
  • Loved it and couldn't fault it. 
  • Definitely recommend it and have it on my bookshelf. 
  • Made a big impact on me as a reader. 

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