Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Joe Cawley & Nicola Quinn - Moving to Tenerife: All You Need To Know

Joe Cawley with Nicola Quinn - Moving to Tenerife: All You Need To Know  


Genre: Travel,  Non-Fiction, Canary Islands 

Pages:  74

Format: Kindle 

Publisher: Self Published 

Date Published: 7th January 2013 

Book Blurb: 

Hands up if you’ve ever been to Tenerife on holiday and toyed with the idea of making your stay a more permanent one.
No surprise, really – grey skies versus blue, roads clogged with stressed commuters versus a walk to work in the sunshine, wet weekends indoors versus days on the beach or round the pool.
In fact, it’s quite a wonder why more people don’t bite the bullet and head for sunnier climes.
However, relocating can seem daunting – especially if you don’t know much about the place. Hopefully with the help of this book, deciding if a move to Tenerife is right for you, actually taking the plunge, and doing all the stuff that follows a move, should become a lot clearer.
Moving to Tenerife is a useful guide that will show you the easiest path so you can begin enjoying your brand new life in the sun as soon as possible.

My Review: 

I decided to read this book as I am fascinated by Tenerife and Canary Islands, as well as read a few others Joe Cawley books about Tenerife. I also read this book for research, whilst completing my dissertation on Tenerife. However, I was disappointed.

From a blurb it states that this book is a manual to help someone get all the information they need if they want to move to Tenerife, and different chapters include all the practical information that you need once you move there, to navigate the quite complicated bureaucracy of the island.

This book felt very biased and seems to be based on the experiences of a few people, rather than be written as a researched informational book about what to expect when you move to Tenerife. It also lacked basic information about the island, its weather, geography, population, and infrastructure, which I would consider very important points to know before moving your livelihood somewhere new. There are not many facts and references that would back up the author’s opinions and statements, in the book either, which was quite disappointing. I also felt that this book is way too short to put all the information that people need to know about Tenerife and what to expect when moving there. It just felt that so much important information was missing from these pages.

Overall: I definitely felt that there are better and more detailed manuals on Moving to Tenerife and Canary Islands, that I have read in the past, that are much more comprehensive with much more research and facts, as well as information and references. 

About the Author:

Joe Cawley is a travel writer and award-winning author published in many international newspapers and magazines such as The Times, New York Post and Taipei Times.
His first book, More Ketchup than Salsa was voted 'Best Travel Narrative' by the British Guild of Travel Writers and follows the disasters of a young couple seeking greener pastures abroad.
Joe currently lives in the hills of Tenerife with his family and an assortment of other wildlife. Although he loves his family dearly, he admits he gets the most sense out of the guinea pigs.

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